Sunday, April 15, 2012

All good things come to an end

Blogging is something I never could have pictured myself doing in a million years. For me, I have never been completely comfortable with having others read my writing, let alone post it publicly. However by doing so I feel it has made me feel more comfortable in my writing.

When I first started my blogs on unemployment in January, My life was in a completely different place then how it is now. When I started my blogs, both my parents were unemployed, that is the main reason I picked this as my topic. I would have never guessed not even 4 months later that both my parents would be working great jobs.

I wanted to do this blog because I never really thought about how people were affected from unemployment until it really hit home. Throughout this blogging experience, I not only learned ways to be smart with my money but also started to understand myself better as a person. No one ever expects to become unemployed, therefore being prepared for the unexpected can be the wisest decision. 

Being a teenager, I never put into perspective how much it really does cost to live on your own or to maintain a household. Of course I do pay some bills and I do try to be independent however living at home is the greatest gift. 

Unemployment can make a person go from living comfortably to wondering how to provide the basic needs such as shelter and food. These struggles can cause emotional distress and health problems. 

Though I do not feel that I will continue to blog on this topic, I do feel that somehow in future I may decide to start again. This experience has opened my mind to writing and different topics and probably has changed my writing style for the best.

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