For anyone who works in retail can understand when I say, Its impossible to get a day off wether it's a weekday or weekend. Unfortunately for me, last week I came down with the flu and I had to take off. I work at Macys, which I believe does have a strict attendance policy.
For those who don't know how Macys works, We operate on a point system. For every day you clock in or out early by 15 minutes, you lose half a point. For missing a weekday shift, its a point and finally missing a weekend shift or a sale day its 2 points.
Being that I am still considered new, I was only given 3 points after almost 5 months of working there. What bothers me the most is that I couldn't afford to call out for two main reasons.
1. Missing even a shift at Macys would take away my gas money for the week or my gym payment.
2. If I was to call out, I not only lose points but It also takes a month just to earn 1 point back.
Thankfully I managed to at least go to my weekday shifts. After visiting the doctor friday, I was forced to bed rest until monday morning. Unfortunately I wasn't able to work saturday therefore I lost points for having the flu.
My main problem with this is, how can you punish someone for being sick?
After looking through Retail-Worker, I have realized I am not the only one who finds the "point system" a tad bit outrageous.
Does anyone in retail have similar ways of operating?
So missing a shift gets a point regardless of whether you call ahead or are sick? Does Macy's have a policy of employees sharing/trading shifts?
ReplyDeleteAnd where's the potential sources for your analysis paper post?
you can get the points back with a doctors note
ReplyDeleteNot in my store.
DeleteNot in my store.
DeleteBrandon, I work for Macy's as well for over 2 1/2 years. I am digusted by the point system as well. It's not fair that I cannot control when my 6 and 8 year old daughters get sick. I have had to choose work or my spending time with my daughters this year for Christmas. I am a single mom with no family closer than 5 hours away. My exhusband and I had this arranged before I started at Macy's. For the past 3 years we alternate holidays. This year was my first year of having my children both Christmas eve and Christmas day. I have them from Dec. 21-27. Then their father has them from Dec. 27 at 6pm to Jan. 6, 2013. I went home to Southern WI from Minneapolis. I had to lose 2 points for having to call off due to our assistant store manager scheduled me after I had talked to HR twice and was told I was ok. My assistant store manager basically acted like she didn't care that I have a family and a life outside of Macy's. For the money, I make per hour, my kids mean more to me. If I try to pawn them off to my ex due to work every year, he will go after custody. Macy's is not worth losing my kids for. So now I have no attendance points due to this fiasco. I lost 1/2 point for having to go to the doctor and no, Brandon, I could not get the points back. That also leads to a situation where a coworker of mine got fired due to his small children being sick,even with doctor's notes, he still got fired. I didn't think that was legal. It's not fair for those of us trying to make a living, but get punished for having children and a life outside of Macy's. I love the people I work with, but the company policies are not fair. They do so much for charities and other ideas, but we employees feel that we are not important enough to recognize that some associates due work well, but life happens and we are the ones who get the shaft. We are expendable to Macy's, but what Macy's doesn't realize is that it is not just the customer that makes Macy's, but its employees who make the company a success as well. I worked in other retail establishments and was not treated like all I was to the company was a money maker for them. I worked for one that didn't punish you for being sick or having to go to the doctor, or even having a family.
ReplyDeleteIf you show an excuse they should replace the points
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