Monday, January 23, 2012


Picking my topic for this semester came easy. Unemployment seems to affect everyone at least once in their life. The main reason I picked this as my topic is because at one point this year I had both parents unemployed and unfortunately I was the only income for a family of four. This time in my life was extremely difficult because I couldn’t act like a normal teen that spent all my money on fast food or clothes. Currently I have one parent employed though life would be nicer if both were working. I would love share with everyone how to overcome unemployment and what are some tips to saving money and making every penny count with today's economy. Even if you are not unemployed or on a budget, I personally feel that living comfortably but also saving can be very beneficial to every one of all incomes. As for feedback, it is always appreciated and I'll do my best to be entertaining and informative throughout this semester. Please let me know of any tips or blog ideas also. I am always open to new things. Finally, Welcome to my blog and I hope this semester goes by for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    Excellent introduction. We can clearly see why this topic is important and connected to your life. I'm thrilled to hear that one of your parents is employed again. That must be a huge relief. Good luck to parent 2!
